Watch anything,
anytime with Unifi TV app
Now you can take your favourite shows with you and bring it anywhere on your mobile device with the Unifi TV app!
Download Now
For unifi Mobile users

Get the best deal in town and continue to enjoy premium channels on Unifi PlayTV app from as low as RM1 and pay with your Unifi Mobile bill!

Daily Pack
Pick and choose any 3 premium channels (RM6 to RM9 ala carte channels only)
Weekly Pack
Pick and choose any 3 premium channels (RM6 to RM9 ala carte channels only)
Monthly Pack
Pick and choose any 3 premium channels (RM6 to RM9 ala carte channels only)
How to enjoy
Step 1
Install Unifi PlayTV app on your device.
Step 2
Register with your mobile number.
Step 3
Confirm your payment method to Unifi Mobile Bill.