Pause & rewind up to 2 hours back on selected channels.
Catch up on programs you’ve missed.
Scan to log in to Unifi TV on Unifi TV Box with ease. You can use this feature to join Unifi TV contests to win many exclusive prizes.
Watch up to 4 channels in 1 screen.
Go straight to your preferred channels.
Never miss your favourite programs, ever!
Lock channels.
*Only available with Unifi TV Packs.
*Only available for customers with Unifi TV box.
**You can purchase if you are using Facebook or Phone number as your id.
Download Unifi TV app on smart devices (phone, tablet & TV).
With Unifi TV
Login with your Unifi TV ID (example@iptv, example@tvos) to watch all entitled channels.
Without Unifi TV
Register using your mobile number & email address. Verify with One-Time PIN (OTP) sent.
Enjoy & stream your favourite shows on Channels, U PICK & Catch Up.
Payment method : Voucher | Credit Card / Debit Card* | FPX*
Payment method : Voucher | Credit Card / Debit Card* | FPX*
Select up to 3 premium channels (limited to RM6 - RM9 ala carte channels) with these great packs.
Now you can start watching Unifi TV on your favourite devices anywhere, anytime.