CNY - Blessing of Formosa (T) 寶島神很大(台)
"The beauty of folklore is all around us in Taiwan, but we often overlook it and fail to appreciate and feel it. The aim of this program is to promote the beauty of Taiwanese folklore and bring folklore to life. This program showcases folk culture regardless of race or religion, and presents travel information in a fun way, combining easy-to-understand folk culture knowledge with the mission of passing on folk culture. The audience can learn more about folk cultural products such as handicrafts, antiques, temple folklore, as well as short stories about the gods, and information about local tourism. It is an educational and entertaining way to travel and learn about folklore. 《宝岛神很大》最精采、最值得期待的台湾民俗文化节目。台湾生活周遭充满民俗之美,但我们却常忽略且未能用心去体会与感受,推广「台湾民俗之美」的目的,在促成「民俗生活化、生活民俗化」的实践。不分种族和宗教的民俗文化,轻松有趣的说出旅游资讯,结合浅显易懂的民俗文化知识,肩负民俗文化的传承使命,多项关于民俗文化的产物,例如工艺制品、古物鉴定或民俗庙会小常识,神明小故事等等的单元,搭配当地旅游美食资讯,表现出有深度有内涵却以轻松旅游的方式,创造寓教于乐的『民俗旅游新台潮』。"